Leadership Wooster explores Arts, Religion, and Diversity in the final session of the year.
Dr. Sharon Marcanthony kicked off the day with an Embracing our Differences group activity. The class was challenged to find out what they have in common as well as what makes each person unique.
Sherry Leggett and Laura Newberry-Yokley discussed Diversity in the Workplace and shared how Certified Angus Beef has adapted its culture to be successful in a global marketplace.
Laura Neill, Executive Director of Ohio Light Opera took the class on a backstage tour of Freedlander Theatre and described everything that goes into a successful production.
Wooster Church of the Nazarene welcomed the class and hosted representatives from five other area churches who discussed what makes their particular religion unique.
The class toured Wayne Center for the Arts and learned about all of the programs they offer for kids and adults.
Rodd Welker, Eagle Advisor Group, wrapped up the day with CQ your Bias. The class completed activities and had discussions on cultural intelligence to better understand and develop ways to work effectively across various cultural contexts.
Original source can be found here.